Retrieving ResultsΒΆ

There is nothing easier than retrieving your results with Chocolate. Connections define a method results_as_dataframe() that takes care of loading the data from your database, transforming it back to your search space ranges and populating a pandas.DataFrame. This way you can use the powerful pandas and seaborn libraries to analyse you results and not miss anything. Here is how to get a nice pairwise plot of each parameter with the loss.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns; sns.set()

from chocolate import SQLiteConnection

conn = SQLiteConnection("sqlite:///chocolate.db")
results = conn.results_as_dataframe()
results = pd.melt(results, id_vars=["loss"], value_name='value', var_name="variable")

sns.lmplot(x="value", y="loss", data=results, col="variable", col_wrap=3, sharex=False)

And for those like me who are not patient enough to let the optimization finish, the method results_as_dataframe() is multiprocess-safe (thanks to our databases)!