Source code for chocolate.connection.mongodb

from contextlib import contextmanager
import pickle
import time

    from pymongo import MongoClient
except ImportError:
    MongoClient = False

from ..base import Connection

[docs]class MongoDBConnection(Connection): """Connection to a MongoDB database. Args: url (str): Full url to the database including credentials but omitting the database and the collection. When using authenticated databases, the url must contain the database and match the ``database`` argument. database (str): The database name in the MongoDB engine. result_col (str): Collection used to store the experiences and their results. complementary_col (str): Collection used to store complementary information necessary to the optimizer. space_table (str): Collection used to save the optimization :class:`Space`. """ def __init__(self, url, database="chocolate", result_col="results", complementary_col="complementary", space_col="space"): self.client = MongoClient(url) self.db = self.client[database] self.result_collection_name = result_col self.complementary_collection_name = complementary_col self.space_collection_name = space_col self.results = self.db[self.result_collection_name] self.complementary = self.db[self.complementary_collection_name] = self.db[self.space_collection_name] self._lock = self.db.lock self.hold_lock = False
[docs] @contextmanager def lock(self, timeout=-1, poll_interval=0.05): """Context manager that locks the entire database. :: conn = MongoDBConnection("mongodb://localhost:27017/") with conn.lock(timeout=5): # The database is lock all_ = conn.all_results() conn.insert({"new_data" : len(all_)}) # The database is unlocked Args: timeout: If the lock could not be acquired in *timeout* seconds raises a timeout error. If 0 or less, wait forever. poll_interval: Number of seconds between lock acquisition tryouts. Raises: TimeoutError: Raised if the lock could not be acquired. """ if self.hold_lock: yield else: start_time = time.time() l = self._lock.find_one_and_update({"name" : "lock"}, {"$set" : {"lock" : True}}, upsert=True) while l is not None and l["lock"] != False and timeout != 0: time.sleep(poll_interval) l = self._lock.find_one_and_update({"name" : "lock"}, {"$set" : {"lock" : True}}, upsert=True) if time.time() - start_time > timeout: break if l is None or l["lock"] == False: # The lock is acquired try: self.hold_lock = True yield finally: l = self._lock.find_one_and_update({"name" : "lock"}, {"$set" : {"lock" : False}}) self.hold_lock = False else: raise TimeoutError("Could not acquire MongoDB lock")
[docs] def all_results(self): """Get all entries of the result table as a list. The order is undefined. """ return list(self.results.find())
def find_results(self, filter): """Get a list of all results associated with *filter*. The order is undefined. """ return list(self.results.find(filter))
[docs] def insert_result(self, document): """Insert a new *document* in the result table.""" return self.results.insert_one(document.copy())
[docs] def update_result(self, token, values): """Update or add *values* to given documents in the result table. Args: token: An identifier of the documents to update. value: A mapping of values to update or add. """ return self.results.update_many(token, {"$set" : values})
[docs] def count_results(self): """Get the total number of entries in the result table.""" return self.results.count()
[docs] def all_complementary(self): """Get all entries of the complementary information table as a list. The order is undefined. """ return list(self.complementary.find())
[docs] def insert_complementary(self, document): """Insert a new document in the complementary information table.""" return self.complementary.insert_one(document.copy())
[docs] def find_complementary(self, filter): """Find a document from the complementary information table.""" return self.complementary.find_one(filter)
[docs] def get_space(self): """Returns the space used for previous experiments. Raises: AssertionError: If there are more than one space in the database. """ entry_count = if entry_count == 0: return None assert entry_count == 1, ("Space table unexpectedly contains more than one space.") return pickle.loads(["space"])
[docs] def insert_space(self, space): """Insert a space in the database. Raises: AssertionError: If a space is already present in the database. """ assert == 0, ("Space table cannot contain more than one space, " "clear table first.") return{"space" : pickle.dumps(space)})
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear all data from the database.""" self.results.delete_many({}) self.complementary.delete_many({}){})
def pop_id(self, document): """Pops the database unique id from the document.""" document.pop("_id", None) return document
class _MongoDBConnectionFailedImport(MongoDBConnection): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise ImportError("No module named 'pymongo' required for MongoDBConnection.") if not MongoClient: MongoDBConnection = _MongoDBConnectionFailedImport