Source code for

"""This module provides common building blocks to define a search space.

Search spaces are defined using dictionaries, where the keys are the parameter
names and the values their distribution. For example, defining a two
parameter search space is done as follow ::

    space = {"x": uniform(-5, 5),
             "y": quantized_uniform(-2, 3, 0.5)}

A conditional search space can be seen as a tree, where each condition
defines a subtree. For example, in the next figure, three search spaces
are presented.

.. image:: /images/search-space-tree.png
   :width: 300px
   :align: center

The left tree is the simple two parameter search space defined earlier. The
middle tree defines a conditional search space with a single root condition.
Two subspaces exist in this search space, one when the condition is `a` the
other when the condition is `b`. Defining such a search space is done using
a list of dictionaries as follow ::

    space = [{"cond": "a", "x": uniform(-5, 5)},
             {"cond": "b", "y": quantized_uniform(-2, 3, 0.5)}]

The right most tree has two conditions one at its root and another one when
the root condition is `a`. It has a total of four subspaces. Defining such a
search space is done using a hierarchy of dictionaries as follow ::

    space = [{"cond": "a", "sub": {"c": {"x": uniform(-5, 5)},
                                   "d": {"z": log(-5, 5, 10)},
                                   "e": {"w": quantized_log(-2, 7, 1, 10)}}},
             {"cond": "b", "y": quantized_uniform(-2, 3, 0.5)}

Note that lists can only be used at the root of conditional search spaces,
sub-conditions must use the dictionary form. Moreover, it is not necessary to
use the same parameter name for root conditions. For example, the following
is a valid search space ::

    space = [{"cond": "a", "x": uniform(-5, 5)},
             {"spam": "b", "y": quantized_uniform(-2, 3, 0.5)}]

The only restriction is that each search space must have a unique combination
of conditional parameters and values, where conditional parameters have
non-distribution values. Finally, one and only one subspace can be defined
without condition as follow ::

    space = [{"x": uniform(-5, 5)},
             {"cond": "b", "y": quantized_uniform(-2, 3, 0.5)}]

If two or more subspaces share the same conditional key (set of parameters
and values) an :class:`AssertionError` will be raised uppon building the
search space specifying the erroneous key.
from collections import OrderedDict, Mapping, Sequence
from itertools import chain, count, islice, product, combinations

import numpy

class _Constant(object):
    """Implements Chocolat constant value. his is used internally
    by other modules.
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

[docs]class Distribution(object): """Base class for every Chocolate distributions.""" def __len__(self): raise NotImplementedError def __getitem__(self, item): raise NotImplementedError def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other)
[docs]class ContinuousDistribution(Distribution): """Base class for every Chocolate continuous distributions.""" pass
[docs]class QuantizedDistribution(Distribution): """Base class for every Chocolate quantized distributions.""" pass
[docs]class uniform(ContinuousDistribution): """Uniform continuous distribution. Representation of the uniform continuous distribution in the half-open interval :math:`[\\text{low}, \\text{high})`. Args: low: Lower bound of the distribution. All values will be greater or equal than low. high: Upper bound of the distribution. All values will be lower than high. """ def __init__(self, low, high): assert low < high, "Low must be lower than high" self.low = low self.high = high
[docs] def __call__(self, x): """Transforms *x* a uniform number taken from the half-open continuous interval :math:`[0, 1)` to the represented distribution. Returns: The corresponding number in the half-open interval :math:`[\\text{low}, \\text{high})`. """ return x * (self.high - self.low) + self.low
def __repr__(self): return "uniform(low={}, high={})".format(self.low, self.high) def __eq__(self, other): return self.low == other.low and self.high == other.high
[docs]class quantized_uniform(QuantizedDistribution): """Uniform discrete distribution. Representation of the uniform continuous distribution in the half-open interval :math:`[\\text{low}, \\text{high})` with regular spacing between samples. If :math:`\\left\\lceil \\frac{\\text{high} - \\text{low}}{step} \\right\\rceil \\neq \\frac{\\text{high} - \\text{low}}{step}`, the last interval will have a different probability than the others. It is preferable to use :math:`\\text{high} = N \\times \\text{step} + \\text{low}` where :math:`N` is a whole number. Args: low: Lower bound of the distribution. All values will be greater or equal than low. high: Upper bound of the distribution. All values will be lower than high. step: The spacing between each discrete sample. """ def __init__(self, low, high, step): assert low < high, "Low must be lower than high" assert step > 0, "Step must be greater than 0" self.low = low self.high = high self.step = step
[docs] def __call__(self, x): """Transforms *x*, a uniform number taken from the half-open continuous interval :math:`[0, 1)`, to the represented distribution. Returns: The corresponding number in the discrete half-open interval :math:`[\\text{low}, \\text{high})` alligned on step size. If the output number is whole, this method returns an :class:`int` otherwise a :class:`float`. """ x += 1e-16 # handle floating point errors in floor v = numpy.floor((x * (self.high - self.low)) / self.step) * self.step + self.low if v.is_integer(): return int(v) return v
[docs] def __iter__(self): """Iterate over all possible values of this discrete distribution in the :math:`[0, 1)` space. This is the same as :: numpy.arange(0, 1, step / (high - low)) """ step = self.step / (self.high - self.low) for x in numpy.arange(0, 1, step): yield x
[docs] def __getitem__(self, i): """Retrieve the ``i`` th value of this distribution in the :math:`[0, 1)` space. """ return float(i) / ((self.high - self.low) / self.step)
[docs] def __len__(self): """Get the number of possible values for this distribution. """ return int(numpy.ceil((self.high - self.low) / self.step))
def __repr__(self): return "quantized_uniform(low={}, high={}, step={})".format(self.low, self.high, self.step) def __eq__(self, other): return self.low == other.low and self.high == other.high and self.step == other.step
[docs]class log(uniform): """Logarithmic uniform continuous distribution. Representation of the logarithmic uniform continuous distribution in the half-open interval :math:`[\\text{base}^\\text{low}, \\text{base}^\\text{high})`. Args: low: Lower bound of the distribution. All values will be greater or equal than :math:`\\text{base}^\\text{low}`. high: Upper bound of the distribution. All values will be lower than :math:`\\text{base}^\\text{high}`. base: Base of the logarithmic function. """ def __init__(self, low, high, base): super(log, self).__init__(low, high) assert base > 0, "Base must be larger than 0" assert base != 1, "Base cannot equal 1" self.base = base
[docs] def __call__(self, x): """Transforms *x*, a uniform number taken from the half-open continuous interval :math:`[0, 1)`, to the represented distribution. Returns: The corresponding number in the discrete half-open interval :math:`[\\text{base}^\\text{low}, \\text{base}^\\text{high})` alligned on step size. If the output number is whole, this method returns an :class:`int` otherwise a :class:`float`. """ return self.base**(super(log, self).__call__(x))
def __repr__(self): return "log(low={}, high={}, base={})".format(self.low, self.high, self.base) def __eq__(self, other): return self.low == other.low and self.high == other.high and self.base == other.base
[docs]class quantized_log(quantized_uniform): """Logarithmic uniform discrete distribution. Representation of the logarithmic uniform discrete distribution in the half-open interval :math:`[\\text{base}^\\text{low}, \\text{base}^\\text{high})`. with regular spacing between sampled exponents. Args: low: Lower bound of the distribution. All values will be greater or equal than :math:`\\text{base}^\\text{low}`. high: Upper bound of the distribution. All values will be lower than :math:`\\text{base}^\\text{high}`. step: The spacing between each discrete sample exponent. base: Base of the logarithmic function. """ def __init__(self, low, high, step, base): super(quantized_log, self).__init__(low, high, step) assert base > 0, "Base must be larger than 0" assert base != 1, "Base cannot equal 1" self.base = base
[docs] def __call__(self, x): """Transforms *x*, a uniform number taken from the half-open continuous interval :math:`[0, 1)`, to the represented distribution. Returns: The corresponding number in the discrete half-open interval :math:`[\\text{base}^\\text{low}, \\text{base}^\\text{high})` alligned on step size. If the output number is whole, this method returns an :class:`int` otherwise a :class:`float`. """ x += 1e-16 # handle floating point errors in floor v = numpy.float(self.base**(super(quantized_log, self).__call__(x))) if v.is_integer(): return int(v) return v
def __repr__(self): return "quantized_log(low={}, high={}, step={}, base={})".format(self.low, self.high, self.step, self.base) def __eq__(self, other): return self.low == other.low and self.high == other.high and self.step == other.step and self.base == other.base
[docs]class choice(quantized_uniform): """Uniform choice distribution between non-numeric samples. Args: values: A list of choices to choose uniformly from. """ def __init__(self, values): assert len(values) > 0, "Choices must at least have one value" self.values = list(values) super(choice, self).__init__(low=0, high=len(self.values), step=1)
[docs] def __call__(self, x): """Transforms *x*, a uniform number taken from the half-open continuous interval :math:`[0, 1)`, to the represented distribution. Returns: The corresponding choice from the entered values. """ assert x < 1, "Choices must lie in the half-open interval [0, 1)" return self.values[int(super(choice, self).__call__(x))]
def __repr__(self): return "choice({})".format(self.values) def __eq__(self, other): return self.values == other.values
[docs]class Space(object): """Representation of the search space. Encapsulate a multidimentional search space defined on various distributions. Remind that order in standard python dictionary is undefined, thus the keys of the input dictionaries are :func:`sorted` and put in :class:`OrderedDict` s for reproductibility. Args: spaces: A dictionary or list of dictionaries of parameter names to their distribution. When a list of multiple dictionaries is provided, the structuring elements of these items must define a set of unique choices. Structuring elements are defined using non-distribution values. See examples below. Raises: AssertionError: When two keys at the same level are equal. An instance of a space is a callable object wich will return a valid parameter set provided a vector of numbers in the half-open uniform distribution :math:`[0, 1)`. The number of distinc dimensions can be queried with the :func:`len` function. When a list of dictionaries is provided, this choice constitute the first dimension and each subsequent conditional choice is also a dimension. Examples: Here is how a simple search space can be defined and the parameters can be retrieved :: In [2]: s = Space({"learning_rate": uniform(0.0005, 0.1), "n_estimators" : quantized_uniform(1, 11, 1)}) In [3]: s([0.1, 0.7]) Out[3]: {'learning_rate': 0.01045, 'n_estimators': 8} A one level conditional multidimentional search space is defined using a list of dictionaries. Here the choices are a SMV with linear kernel and a K-nearest neighbor as defined by the string values. Note the use of class names in the space definition. :: In [2]: from sklearn.svm import SVC In [3]: from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier In [4]: s = Space([{"algo": SVC, "kernel": "linear", "C": log(low=-3, high=5, base=10)}, {"algo": KNeighborsClassifier, "n_neighbors": quantized_uniform(low=1, high=20, step=1)}]) The number of dimensions of such search space can be retrieved with the :func:`len` function. :: In [5]: len(s) Out[5]: 3 As in the simple search space a valid parameter set can be retrieved by querying the space object with a vector of length equal to the full search space. :: In [6]: s([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]) Out[6]: {'C': 0.039810717055349734, 'algo': sklearn.svm.classes.SVC, 'kernel': 'linear'} In [7]: s([0.6, 0.2, 0.3]) Out[7]: {'algo': sklearn.neighbors.classification.KNeighborsClassifier, 'n_neighbors': 6} Internal conditions can be modeled using nested dictionaries. For example, the SVM from last example can have different kernels. The next search space will share the ``C`` parameter amongst all SVMs, but will branch on the kernel type with their individual parameters. :: In [2]: s = Space([{"algo": "svm", "C": log(low=-3, high=5, base=10), "kernel": {"linear": None, "rbf": {"gamma": log(low=-2, high=3, base=10)}}}, {"algo": "knn", "n_neighbors": quantized_uniform(low=1, high=20, step=1)}]) In [3]: len(s) Out[3]: 5 In [4]: x = [0.1, 0.2, 0.7, 0.4, 0.5] In [5]: s(x) Out[5]: {'C': 0.039810717055349734, 'algo': 'svm', 'gamma': 1.0, 'kernel': 'rbf'} """ def __init__(self, spaces): if isinstance(spaces, Mapping): spaces = [spaces] self.spaces = OrderedDict() self.constants = list() for subspace in spaces: ts_key = list() ts_space = OrderedDict() for k, v in sorted(subspace.items()): if k == "":# or k == "_subspace": raise RuntimeError("'{}' is not a valid parameter name".format(k)) if isinstance(v, Distribution): ts_space[k] = v elif isinstance(v, Mapping): cond_subspaces = list() try: sorted_v = sorted(v.items()) except TypeError as e: sorted_v = sorted(v.items(), key=str) for sub_k, sub_v in sorted_v: s = {k: sub_k} if isinstance(sub_v, Mapping): s.update(sub_v) elif sub_v is not None: s[sub_k] = sub_v cond_subspaces.append(s) ts_space[k] = Space(cond_subspaces) elif isinstance(v, _Constant): self.constants.append((k, v.value)) else: ts_key.append((k, v)) ts_key = tuple(ts_key) assert ts_key not in self.spaces, "Duplicate conditiona key {} found in Space".format(ts_key) self.spaces[ts_key] = ts_space if len(self.spaces) > 1: # print(list(self.spaces.keys())) # assert all(self.spaces.keys()), "Empty subspace keys are not allowed in conditional search spaces." self.subspace_choice = quantized_uniform(low=0, high=len(self.spaces), step=1) def __len__(self): # We have a single level of choices if this is a structured spce ndims = 1 if len(self.spaces) > 1 else 0 # Within each subspace, every non-structuring key is a dimension # A structuring key is not a chocolate.Distribution for subspace in self.spaces.values(): for v in subspace.values(): if isinstance(v, Space): ndims += len(v) elif isinstance(v, Distribution): ndims += 1 return ndims def __call__(self, x): out = dict() assert len(self) == len(x), "Space and vector dimensions missmatch {} != {}".format(len(self), len(x)) iter_x = iter(x) space_idx = 0 if len(self.spaces) > 1: space_idx = self.subspace_choice(numpy.clip(next(iter_x), 0, 0.9999)) subspace_key = list(self.spaces.keys())[space_idx] for key, subspace in self.spaces.items(): for k, v in subspace.items(): if isinstance(v, Distribution): xi = next(iter_x) elif isinstance(v, Space): xi = [next(iter_x) for _ in range(len(v))] if len(self.spaces) == 1 or subspace_key == key: if isinstance(v, Distribution): out[k] = v(xi) elif isinstance(v, Space): out.update(**v(xi)) else: raise TypeError("Oops something went wrong!") out.update(subspace_key) out.update(self.constants) return out
[docs] def isactive(self, x): """Checks within conditional subspaces if, with the given vector, a parameter is active or not. Args: x: A vector of numbers in the half-open uniform distribution :math:`[0, 1)`. Returns: A list of booleans telling is the parameter is active or not. Example: When using conditional spaces it is often necessary to assess quickly what dimensions are active according to a given vector. For example, with the following conditional space :: In [2]: s = Space([{"algo": "svm", "C": log(low=-3, high=5, base=10), "kernel": {"linear": None, "rbf": {"gamma": log(low=-2, high=3, base=10)}}}, {"algo": "knn", "n_neighbors": quantized_uniform(low=1, high=20, step=1)}]) In [3]: s.names() Out[3]: ['_subspace', 'algo_svm_C', 'algo_svm_kernel__subspace', 'algo_svm_kernel_kernel_rbf_gamma', 'algo_knn_n_neighbors'] In [4]: x = [0.1, 0.2, 0.7, 0.4, 0.5] In [5]: s(x) Out[5]: {'C': 0.039810717055349734, 'algo': 'svm', 'gamma': 1.0, 'kernel': 'rbf'} In [6]: s.isactive(x) Out[6]: [True, True, True, True, False] In [6]: x = [0.6, 0.2, 0.7, 0.4, 0.5] In [8]: s(x) Out[8]: {'algo': 'knn', 'n_neighbors': 10} In [9]: s.isactive(x) Out[9]: [True, False, False, False, True] """ assert len(self) == len(x), "Space and vector dimensions missmatch {} != {}".format(len(self), len(x)) out = [] iter_x = iter(x) if len(self.spaces) > 1: space_idx = self.subspace_choice(numpy.clip(next(iter_x), 0, 0.99999)) subspace_key = list(self.spaces.keys())[space_idx] out.append(True) for key, subspace in self.spaces.items(): for k, v in subspace.items(): if isinstance(v, Distribution): xi = next(iter_x) elif isinstance(v, Space): xi = [next(iter_x) for _ in range(len(v))] if len(self.spaces) == 1 or subspace_key == key: if isinstance(v, Distribution): out.append(True) elif isinstance(v, Space): out.extend(v.isactive(xi)) else: raise TypeError("Unexpected type {} in space".format(type(v))) else: if isinstance(v, Distribution): out.append(False) elif isinstance(v, Space): out.extend([False] * len(xi)) else: raise TypeError("Unexpected type {} in space".format(type(v))) return out
[docs] def names(self, unique=True): """Returns unique sequential names meant to be used as database column names. Args: unique: Whether or not to return unique mangled names. Subspaces will still be mangled. Examples: If the length of the space is 2 as follow :: In [2]: s = Space({"learning_rate": uniform(0.0005, 0.1), "n_estimators" : quantized_uniform(1, 11, 1)}) In [3]: s.names() Out[3]: ['learning_rate', 'n_estimators'] While in conditional spaces, if the length of the space is 5 (one for the choice od subspace and four independent parameters) :: In [4]: s = Space([{"algo": "svm", "kernel": "linear", "C": log(low=-3, high=5, base=10)}, {"algo": "svm", "kernel": "rbf", "C": log(low=-3, high=5, base=10), "gamma": log(low=-2, high=3, base=10)}, {"algo": "knn", "n_neighbors": quantized_uniform(low=1, high=20, step=1)}]) In [5]: s.names() Out[5]: ['_subspace', 'algo_svm_kernel_linear_C', 'algo_svm_kernel_rbf_C', 'algo_svm_kernel_rbf_gamma', 'algo_knn_n_neighbors'] When using methods or classes as parameter values for conditional choices the output might be a little bit more verbose, however the names are still there. :: In [6]: s = Space([{"algo": SVC, "C": log(low=-3, high=5, base=10), "kernel": {"linear": None, "rbf": {"gamma": log(low=-2, high=3, base=10)}}}, {"algo": KNeighborsClassifier, "n_neighbors": quantized_uniform(low=1, high=20, step=1)}]) In [7]: s.names() Out[7]: ['_subspace', 'algo_<class sklearn_svm_classes_SVC>_C', 'algo_<class sklearn_svm_classes_SVC>_kernel__subspace', 'algo_<class sklearn_svm_classes_SVC>_kernel_kernel_rbf_gamma', 'algo_<class sklearn_neighbors_classification_KNeighborsClassifier>_n_neighbors'] """ names = list() if len(self.spaces) > 1: names.append("_subspace") for key, subspace in self.spaces.items(): for k, v in subspace.items(): prefix = "{}_".format("_".join(str(ni) for ni in chain(*key))) if key else "" prefix = prefix.replace("\"", "") prefix = prefix.replace("'", "") prefix = prefix.replace(".", "_") if isinstance(v, Distribution): if unique: names.append("{}{}".format(prefix, k)) else: names.append(k) elif isinstance(v, Space): for n in v.names(unique): if unique or n.endswith("_subspace"): names.append("{}{}_{}".format(prefix, k, n)) else: names.append(n) else: raise TypeError("Unexpected type {} inspace".format(type(v))) return names
[docs] def steps(self): """Returns the steps size between each element of the space dimensions. If a variable is continuous the returned stepsize is :data:`None`. """ steps = list() if len(self.spaces) > 1: steps.append(self.subspace_choice.step / (self.subspace_choice.high - self.subspace_choice.low)) for subspace in self.spaces.values(): for v in subspace.values(): if isinstance(v, QuantizedDistribution): steps.append(v.step / (v.high - v.low)) elif isinstance(v, Space): steps.extend(v.steps()) else: steps.append(None) return steps
[docs] def isdiscrete(self): """Returns whether or not this search space has only discrete dimensions. """ for subspace in self.spaces.values(): for v in subspace.values(): if isinstance(v, ContinuousDistribution): return False elif isinstance(v, Space) and not v.isdiscrete(): return False return True
[docs] def subspaces(self): """Returns every valid combinaition of conditions of the tree- structured search space. Each combinaition is a list of length equal to the total dimensionality of this search space. Active dimensions are either a fixed value for conditions or a :class:`Distribution` for optimizable parameters. Inactive dimensions are :data:`None`. Example: The following search space has 3 possible subspaces :: In [2]: s = Space([{"algo": "svm", "C": log(low=-3, high=5, base=10), "kernel": {"linear": None, "rbf": {"gamma": log(low=-2, high=3, base=10)}}}, {"algo": "knn", "n_neighbors": quantized_uniform(low=1, high=20, step=1)}]) In [3]: s.names() Out[3]: ['_subspace', 'algo_svm_C', 'algo_svm_kernel__subspace', 'algo_svm_kernel_kernel_rbf_gamma', 'algo_knn_n_neighbors'] In [4]: s.subspaces() Out[4]: [[0.0, log(low=-3, high=5, base=10), 0.0, None, None], [0.0, log(low=-3, high=5, base=10), 0.5, log(low=-2, high=3, base=10), None], [0.5, None, None, None, quantized_uniform(low=1, high=20, step=1)]] """ subspaces, _ = self._subspaces() return subspaces
def _subspaces(self): branches = list() indices = list() if len(self.spaces) > 1: position = 1 else: position = 0 for i, (key, subspace) in enumerate(self.spaces.items()): branch = [None] * len(self) idx = list() if len(self.spaces) > 1: step = self.subspace_choice.step / (self.subspace_choice.high - self.subspace_choice.low) branch[0] = i * step idx.append(0) conditionals = list() conditional_idx = list() for k, v in subspace.items(): if not isinstance(v, Space): branch[position] = v idx.append(position) position += 1 else: cond_spaces, cond_indices = v._subspaces() conditionals.append(cond_spaces) conditional_idx.append([[position + j for j in s] for s in cond_indices]) if any(cond_indices): position += max(max(s) for s in cond_indices if s) + 1 if len(conditionals) == 0: branches.append(branch) indices.append(idx) else: for elements, indx in zip(product(*conditionals), product(*conditional_idx)): cond_branch = branch.copy() cond_indices = idx.copy() for e, j in zip(elements, indx): # Remove Nones from underlying spaces e = [ei for ei in e if ei is not None] for ei, ji in zip(e, j): cond_branch[ji] = ei cond_indices.append(ji) branches.append(cond_branch) indices.append(cond_indices) return branches, indices def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Space): return self.spaces == other.spaces return False def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other)
if __name__ == "__main__": from sklearn.svm import SVC, LinearSVC from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier space1 = {"a": uniform(1, 2), "b": {"c": {"c1": quantized_log(0, 5, 1, 10)}, "d": {"d1": quantized_log(0, 5, 1, 2)}}} space2 = {"a": uniform(1, 2), "b": {"c": {"c1": quantized_log(0, 5, 1, 10)}, "d": {"d1": quantized_log(0, 5, 1, 2)}}} space3 = {"a": uniform(1, 2), "b": {"c": {"c1": quantized_log(0, 5, 1, 10)}, "d": {"d2": quantized_log(0, 5, 1, 2)}}} space4 = {"a": uniform(1, 2), "b": {"c": {"c1": quantized_log(0, 5, 1, 10)}, "d": {"d1": quantized_log(0, 5, 1, 8)}}} print(Space(space1) == Space(space2)) print(Space(space1) == Space(space3)) print(Space(space1) == Space(space4)) space = {"initial_learning_rate": choice([0.0005]), "learning_rate_decay": choice([0.0004]), "keep_prob": choice([0.7, 0.9]), "nout_c1": quantized_log(low=0, high=3, step=1, base=2), "nout_c2": quantized_log(low=0, high=3, step=1, base=2), "nout_fc1": quantized_log(low=0, high=3, step=1, base=2), "nout_fc2": quantized_log(low=0, high=3, step=1, base=2), "act_fn": choice(["elu", "relu"])} s = Space(space) print(len(s)) print(s.steps()) print(s.names()) print(s.isdiscrete()) for subspace in s.subspaces(): print("*", subspace) x = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8] print(s(x)) print(s.isactive(x)) print("="*12) space = [{"algo": SVC, "kernel": "rbf", "C": uniform(low=0.001, high=10000), "gamma": uniform(low=0, high=1)}, {"algo": SVC, "kernel": "linear", "C": uniform(low=0.001, high=10000)}, {"algo": KNeighborsClassifier, "n_neighbors": quantized_uniform(low=1, high=20, step=1)}, {"algo": "cnn", "num_layers": 8, "n_units": quantized_log(low=5, high=8, step=1, base=2)}, {"algo": "cnn", "num_layers": 4, "n_units": quantized_log(low=5, high=12, step=1, base=2)}] s = Space(space) print(len(s)) print(s.steps()) print(s.names()) print(s.isdiscrete()) for subspace in s.subspaces(): print("*", subspace) x = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7] print(s(x)) print(s.isactive(x)) print("="*12) space = [{"algo": "svm", "C": log(low=-3, high=5, base=10), "kernel": {"linear": None, "rbf": {"gamma": log(low=-2, high=3, base=10)}}}, {"algo": "knn", "n_neighbors": quantized_uniform(low=1, high=20, step=1)}] s = Space(space) print(len(s)) print(s.steps()) print(s.names()) print(s.isdiscrete()) for subspace in s.subspaces(): print("*", subspace) x = [0.1, 0.2, 0.7, 0.4, 0.5] print(s(x)) print(s.isactive(x)) print("="*12) space = {"algo": {"svm": {"C": log(low=-3, high=5, base=10), "kernel": {"linear": None, "rbf": {"gamma": log(low=-2, high=3, base=10)}}, "cond2": {"aa": None, "bb": {"abc": uniform(low=-1, high=1)}}}, "knn": {"n_neighbors": quantized_uniform(low=1, high=20, step=1)}}} s = Space(space) print(len(s)) print(s.steps()) print(s.names()) print(s.isdiscrete()) for subspace in s.subspaces(): print("*", subspace) x = [0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.3, 0.5, 0.2] print(s(x)) print(s.isactive(x)) print("="*12) space = {"x1": quantized_uniform(-5, 10, 2), "cond": {"log": {"x2": quantized_log(0, 2, 0.1, 2)}, "uni": {"x2": quantized_uniform(0, 15, 2)}}} s = Space(space) print(len(s)) print(s.steps()) print(s.names()) print(s.isdiscrete()) for subspace in s.subspaces(): print("*", subspace) x = [0.1, 0.2, 0.7, 0.4] print(s(x)) print(s.isactive(x)) print("="*12) space = {"algo": {SVC: {"gamma": log(low=-9, high=3, base=10)}, "kernel": {"rbf": None, "poly": {"degree": quantized_uniform(low=1, high=5, step=1), "coef0": uniform(low=-1, high=1)}}, LinearSVC: {"penalty": choice(["l1", "l2"])}}, "C": log(low=-2, high=10, base=10)} s = Space(space) print(len(s)) print(s.steps()) print(s.names()) print(s.isdiscrete()) for subspace in s.subspaces(): print("*", subspace) print("="*12) space = [{"algo": {SVC: {"gamma": log(low=-9, high=3, base=10), "kernel": {"rbf": None, "poly": {"degree": quantized_uniform(low=1, high=5, step=1), "coef0": uniform(low=-1, high=1)}}}, LinearSVC: {"penalty": choice(["l1", "l2"])}}, "C": log(low=-2, high=10, base=10)}, {"type": "an_other_optimizer", "param": uniform(low=-1, high=1)}] s = Space(space) print(len(s)) print(s.steps()) print(s.names()) print(s.isdiscrete()) for subspace in s.subspaces(): print("*", subspace)