Search Space Representation

This module provides common building blocks to define a search space.

Search spaces are defined using dictionaries, where the keys are the parameter names and the values their distribution. For example, defining a two parameter search space is done as follow

space = {"x": uniform(-5, 5),
         "y": quantized_uniform(-2, 3, 0.5)}

A conditional search space can be seen as a tree, where each condition defines a subtree. For example, in the next figure, three search spaces are presented.


The left tree is the simple two parameter search space defined earlier. The middle tree defines a conditional search space with a single root condition. Two subspaces exist in this search space, one when the condition is a the other when the condition is b. Defining such a search space is done using a list of dictionaries as follow

space = [{"cond": "a", "x": uniform(-5, 5)},
         {"cond": "b", "y": quantized_uniform(-2, 3, 0.5)}]

The right most tree has two conditions one at its root and another one when the root condition is a. It has a total of four subspaces. Defining such a search space is done using a hierarchy of dictionaries as follow

space = [{"cond": "a", "sub": {"c": {"x": uniform(-5, 5)},
                               "d": {"z": log(-5, 5, 10)},
                               "e": {"w": quantized_log(-2, 7, 1, 10)}}},
         {"cond": "b", "y": quantized_uniform(-2, 3, 0.5)}

Note that lists can only be used at the root of conditional search spaces, sub-conditions must use the dictionary form. Moreover, it is not necessary to use the same parameter name for root conditions. For example, the following is a valid search space

space = [{"cond": "a", "x": uniform(-5, 5)},
         {"spam": "b", "y": quantized_uniform(-2, 3, 0.5)}]

The only restriction is that each search space must have a unique combination of conditional parameters and values, where conditional parameters have non-distribution values. Finally, one and only one subspace can be defined without condition as follow

space = [{"x": uniform(-5, 5)},
         {"cond": "b", "y": quantized_uniform(-2, 3, 0.5)}]

If two or more subspaces share the same conditional key (set of parameters and values) an AssertionError will be raised uppon building the search space specifying the erroneous key.

class chocolate.Space(spaces)[source]

Representation of the search space.

Encapsulate a multidimentional search space defined on various distributions. Remind that order in standard python dictionary is undefined, thus the keys of the input dictionaries are sorted() and put in OrderedDict s for reproductibility.

Parameters:spaces – A dictionary or list of dictionaries of parameter names to their distribution. When a list of multiple dictionaries is provided, the structuring elements of these items must define a set of unique choices. Structuring elements are defined using non-distribution values. See examples below.
Raises:AssertionError – When two keys at the same level are equal.

An instance of a space is a callable object wich will return a valid parameter set provided a vector of numbers in the half-open uniform distribution \([0, 1)\).

The number of distinc dimensions can be queried with the len() function. When a list of dictionaries is provided, this choice constitute the first dimension and each subsequent conditional choice is also a dimension.


Here is how a simple search space can be defined and the parameters can be retrieved

In [2]: s = Space({"learning_rate": uniform(0.0005, 0.1),
                   "n_estimators" : quantized_uniform(1, 11, 1)})

In [3]: s([0.1, 0.7])
Out[3]: {'learning_rate': 0.01045, 'n_estimators': 8}

A one level conditional multidimentional search space is defined using a list of dictionaries. Here the choices are a SMV with linear kernel and a K-nearest neighbor as defined by the string values. Note the use of class names in the space definition.

In [2]: from sklearn.svm import SVC

In [3]: from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier

In [4]: s = Space([{"algo": SVC, "kernel": "linear",
                        "C": log(low=-3, high=5, base=10)},
                   {"algo": KNeighborsClassifier,
                        "n_neighbors": quantized_uniform(low=1, high=20, step=1)}])

The number of dimensions of such search space can be retrieved with the len() function.

In [5]: len(s)
Out[5]: 3

As in the simple search space a valid parameter set can be retrieved by querying the space object with a vector of length equal to the full search space.

In [6]: s([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
{'C': 0.039810717055349734,
 'algo': sklearn.svm.classes.SVC,
 'kernel': 'linear'}

In [7]: s([0.6, 0.2, 0.3])
{'algo': sklearn.neighbors.classification.KNeighborsClassifier,
 'n_neighbors': 6}

Internal conditions can be modeled using nested dictionaries. For example, the SVM from last example can have different kernels. The next search space will share the C parameter amongst all SVMs, but will branch on the kernel type with their individual parameters.

In [2]: s = Space([{"algo": "svm",
                    "C": log(low=-3, high=5, base=10),
                    "kernel": {"linear": None,
                                "rbf": {"gamma": log(low=-2, high=3, base=10)}}},
                   {"algo": "knn",
                        "n_neighbors": quantized_uniform(low=1, high=20, step=1)}])

In [3]: len(s)
Out[3]: 5

In [4]: x = [0.1, 0.2, 0.7, 0.4, 0.5]

In [5]: s(x)
Out[5]: {'C': 0.039810717055349734, 'algo': 'svm', 'gamma': 1.0, 'kernel': 'rbf'}

Returns unique sequential names meant to be used as database column names.

Parameters:unique – Whether or not to return unique mangled names. Subspaces will still be mangled.


If the length of the space is 2 as follow

In [2]: s = Space({"learning_rate": uniform(0.0005, 0.1),
                   "n_estimators" : quantized_uniform(1, 11, 1)})

In [3]: s.names()
Out[3]: ['learning_rate', 'n_estimators']

While in conditional spaces, if the length of the space is 5 (one for the choice od subspace and four independent parameters)

In [4]: s = Space([{"algo": "svm", "kernel": "linear",
                        "C": log(low=-3, high=5, base=10)},
                   {"algo": "svm", "kernel": "rbf",
                        "C": log(low=-3, high=5, base=10),
                        "gamma": log(low=-2, high=3, base=10)},
                   {"algo": "knn",
                        "n_neighbors": quantized_uniform(low=1, high=20, step=1)}])

In [5]: s.names()

When using methods or classes as parameter values for conditional choices the output might be a little bit more verbose, however the names are still there.

In [6]: s = Space([{"algo": SVC,
                    "C": log(low=-3, high=5, base=10),
                    "kernel": {"linear": None,
                                "rbf": {"gamma": log(low=-2, high=3, base=10)}}},

                   {"algo": KNeighborsClassifier,
                        "n_neighbors": quantized_uniform(low=1, high=20, step=1)}])

In [7]: s.names()
 'algo_<class sklearn_svm_classes_SVC>_C',
 'algo_<class sklearn_svm_classes_SVC>_kernel__subspace',
 'algo_<class sklearn_svm_classes_SVC>_kernel_kernel_rbf_gamma',
 'algo_<class sklearn_neighbors_classification_KNeighborsClassifier>_n_neighbors']

Checks within conditional subspaces if, with the given vector, a parameter is active or not.

Parameters:x – A vector of numbers in the half-open uniform distribution \([0, 1)\).
Returns:A list of booleans telling is the parameter is active or not.


When using conditional spaces it is often necessary to assess quickly what dimensions are active according to a given vector. For example, with the following conditional space

In [2]: s = Space([{"algo": "svm",
                    "C": log(low=-3, high=5, base=10),
                    "kernel": {"linear": None,
                                "rbf": {"gamma": log(low=-2, high=3, base=10)}}},
                   {"algo": "knn",
                        "n_neighbors": quantized_uniform(low=1, high=20, step=1)}])
In [3]: s.names()

In [4]: x = [0.1, 0.2, 0.7, 0.4, 0.5]

In [5]: s(x)
Out[5]: {'C': 0.039810717055349734, 'algo': 'svm', 'gamma': 1.0, 'kernel': 'rbf'}

In [6]: s.isactive(x)
Out[6]: [True, True, True, True, False]

In [6]: x = [0.6, 0.2, 0.7, 0.4, 0.5]

In [8]: s(x)
Out[8]: {'algo': 'knn', 'n_neighbors': 10}

In [9]: s.isactive(x)
Out[9]: [True, False, False, False, True]

Returns the steps size between each element of the space dimensions. If a variable is continuous the returned stepsize is None.


Returns whether or not this search space has only discrete dimensions.


Returns every valid combinaition of conditions of the tree- structured search space. Each combinaition is a list of length equal to the total dimensionality of this search space. Active dimensions are either a fixed value for conditions or a Distribution for optimizable parameters. Inactive dimensions are None.


The following search space has 3 possible subspaces

In [2]: s = Space([{"algo": "svm",
                    "C": log(low=-3, high=5, base=10),
                    "kernel": {"linear": None,
                                "rbf": {"gamma": log(low=-2, high=3, base=10)}}},
                   {"algo": "knn",
                        "n_neighbors": quantized_uniform(low=1, high=20, step=1)}])

In [3]: s.names()

In [4]: s.subspaces()
[[0.0, log(low=-3, high=5, base=10), 0.0, None, None],
 [0.0, log(low=-3, high=5, base=10), 0.5, log(low=-2, high=3, base=10), None],
 [0.5, None, None, None, quantized_uniform(low=1, high=20, step=1)]]
class chocolate.Distribution[source]

Base class for every Chocolate distributions.

class chocolate.ContinuousDistribution[source]

Base class for every Chocolate continuous distributions.

class chocolate.QuantizedDistribution[source]

Base class for every Chocolate quantized distributions.

class chocolate.uniform(low, high)[source]

Uniform continuous distribution.

Representation of the uniform continuous distribution in the half-open interval \([\text{low}, \text{high})\).

  • low – Lower bound of the distribution. All values will be greater or equal than low.
  • high – Upper bound of the distribution. All values will be lower than high.

Transforms x a uniform number taken from the half-open continuous interval \([0, 1)\) to the represented distribution.

Returns:The corresponding number in the half-open interval \([\text{low}, \text{high})\).
class chocolate.quantized_uniform(low, high, step)[source]

Uniform discrete distribution.

Representation of the uniform continuous distribution in the half-open interval \([\text{low}, \text{high})\) with regular spacing between samples. If \(\left\lceil \frac{\text{high} - \text{low}}{step} \right\rceil \neq \frac{\text{high} - \text{low}}{step}\), the last interval will have a different probability than the others. It is preferable to use \(\text{high} = N \times \text{step} + \text{low}\) where \(N\) is a whole number.

  • low – Lower bound of the distribution. All values will be greater or equal than low.
  • high – Upper bound of the distribution. All values will be lower than high.
  • step – The spacing between each discrete sample.

Transforms x, a uniform number taken from the half-open continuous interval \([0, 1)\), to the represented distribution.

Returns:The corresponding number in the discrete half-open interval \([\text{low}, \text{high})\) alligned on step size. If the output number is whole, this method returns an int otherwise a float.

Iterate over all possible values of this discrete distribution in the \([0, 1)\) space. This is the same as

numpy.arange(0, 1, step / (high - low))

Retrieve the i th value of this distribution in the \([0, 1)\) space.


Get the number of possible values for this distribution.

class chocolate.log(low, high, base)[source]

Logarithmic uniform continuous distribution.

Representation of the logarithmic uniform continuous distribution in the half-open interval \([\text{base}^\text{low}, \text{base}^\text{high})\).

  • low – Lower bound of the distribution. All values will be greater or equal than \(\text{base}^\text{low}\).
  • high – Upper bound of the distribution. All values will be lower than \(\text{base}^\text{high}\).
  • base – Base of the logarithmic function.

Transforms x, a uniform number taken from the half-open continuous interval \([0, 1)\), to the represented distribution.

Returns:The corresponding number in the discrete half-open interval \([\text{base}^\text{low}, \text{base}^\text{high})\) alligned on step size. If the output number is whole, this method returns an int otherwise a float.
class chocolate.quantized_log(low, high, step, base)[source]

Logarithmic uniform discrete distribution.

Representation of the logarithmic uniform discrete distribution in the half-open interval \([\text{base}^\text{low}, \text{base}^\text{high})\). with regular spacing between sampled exponents.

  • low – Lower bound of the distribution. All values will be greater or equal than \(\text{base}^\text{low}\).
  • high – Upper bound of the distribution. All values will be lower than \(\text{base}^\text{high}\).
  • step – The spacing between each discrete sample exponent.
  • base – Base of the logarithmic function.

Transforms x, a uniform number taken from the half-open continuous interval \([0, 1)\), to the represented distribution.

Returns:The corresponding number in the discrete half-open interval \([\text{base}^\text{low}, \text{base}^\text{high})\) alligned on step size. If the output number is whole, this method returns an int otherwise a float.

Iterate over all possible values of this discrete distribution in the \([0, 1)\) space. This is the same as

numpy.arange(0, 1, step / (high - low))

Retrieve the i th value of this distribution in the \([0, 1)\) space.


Get the number of possible values for this distribution.

class chocolate.choice(values)[source]

Uniform choice distribution between non-numeric samples.

Parameters:values – A list of choices to choose uniformly from.

Transforms x, a uniform number taken from the half-open continuous interval \([0, 1)\), to the represented distribution.

Returns:The corresponding choice from the entered values.

Iterate over all possible values of this discrete distribution in the \([0, 1)\) space. This is the same as

numpy.arange(0, 1, step / (high - low))

Retrieve the i th value of this distribution in the \([0, 1)\) space.


Get the number of possible values for this distribution.